Dr. Merle Nunemaker
Dr. Nunemaker was born and raised in Topeka, Kansas. He was active in Boy Scouts, achieving the rank of Eagle Scout, was awarded the Pro Deo Et Patria medal, and reached the level of Vigil in the Order of the Arrow. While attending Topeka High School, he captained the golf team. Dr. Nunemaker also played one year in college at the University of Kansas, where he graduated with honors in 1973. Four years later, Dr. Nunemaker earned his dental degree from the UMKC School of Dentistry.
Dr. Nunemaker has been active in organized dentistry and is a past president of the Greater Kansas City Dental Society. He has served as a delegate to the American Dental Association, the national governance reference committee, and as a delegate to the Washington Legislative Conference. Dr. Nunemaker is currently the President-Elect of the Missouri Dental Association, and will take over as President in November of 2013. He has spent the previous four years as the Legislative Chairman for the association and worked on passage of legislation that will streamline the state Medicaid system, improve coverage of treatment for those in need, clarify the state’s dental practice act, and aid in the dental insurance process.
Dr. Nunemaker is a fellow in the American College of Dentists, an honorary organization whose main focus is ethics and professionalism. He is also a fellow in the Pierre Fauchard Academy which promotes integrity in practice and furthers research and dental literature. Dr. Nunemaker has been given the Environmental Excellence Award, and previously served as a consultant to the Kansas City based Bridging the Gap organization.
Dr. Nunemaker and his wife Vicki reside in Lee’s Summit with dogs Missy and Tobey, and play golf in couples’ tournaments all across Missouri. Their son Tyler will graduate with a mechanical engineering degree soon, and daughter Kayla has two years left to go to become a high school math teacher. Dr. Nunemaker has an older son, Matt, who is a nurse in ICU at Research Medical Center.
Dr. Nunemaker continues to stay current on all of the tremendous advances that have taken place in dentistry, having been the owner of one of the first practices in the area to go entirely digital and paperless. It was a natural blend of dentistry and the environment for him. He is pleased to be associated with Dr. Jungmeyer again and proud to be part of an office with such high regards for patient care and quality treatment.