Affordable Dental Coverage
For Your Family and You
What We Do

The office of Dr. Sheila Jungmeyer and Dr. Dhyanesh Suresh, provides dental services to all age groups. Our fun and friendly staff will make sure you are as relaxed and comfortable as possible. We ensure a very conservative approach to quality treatment to keep dental services as affordable as possible. The key to a long lasting healthy smile is prevention and frequent maintenance visits. We are committed to continued education and are passionate about our work.
Services Offered
General Dentistry*
Cosmetic Dentistry*
Insurance Accepted
Children Welcome
Same Day Emergencies
Nitrous Oxide Available
Dental Implants*
Snore Appliances
*Not a Specialty in Missouri

When you visit Jungmeyer & Suresh Dental Enterprises - you become part of the crew.
Watch our videos for testimonials from our friends and some other fun stuff from around the office!

Thanks for giving us a chance to take care of your Dental needs. We can't wait to meet you!
Please take some time to fill out the form by clicking the link below. This will make your visit to our office easier and save you the time and hassle of filling out paperwork.
Thanks again, and we look forward to seeing you!
New Patients
New Patient - Adult
New Patient - Child

Get In Touch
Give us a call, or e-mail -
We'd love to hear from you!
246 NE Tudor Road
Lee's Summit, MO
Office: 816-554-1600
Fax: 816-554-2798